Tips For Blog Newbies

Starting out in the world of blogs can be exciting and at the same time full of questions. Below are some tips we’ve given to many blog newbies. These strategies will place you on the road to success right away:

Before you begin your blog, choose a topic carefully. It should be a topic that directly relates to the business you are in (if you are blogging for business) or to your life’s interests (for personal blogs). The more knowledgeable and passionate you are about your blog’s topic, the more you can contribute and the more your personality will show. We don’t recommend a broad umbrella of things to write about, such as whatever comes to mind when you write. Not only will it be not search engine friendly by throwing out too many ideas and keywords, it might fail to capture even an audience.

Once you are ready to post on your blog, try to always post high-quality content. This will be a challenge since day-to-day your creativity might fluctuate. However, to capture and engage readers and expect return visits, blog content must not just be readable but have value for the reader as well. We recommend doing a lot of brainstorming before you post. Plan out your week’s posts beforehand instead of writing in real time. In addition, you should listen to what your readers are posting. Comments and questions your readers post back are sure to spark some ideas that actually already interests them.

High quality posts require much research and editing. Fortunately, new information will always be popping up out there. New facts, data, and even new opinions about topics related to your blog’s theme are also good sources for future posts and are sure to excite your readers as well.

Furthermore, consistently posting good articles requires a lot of skill that can be learned only from practice. Rewriting and more rewriting should be involved. One of the key elements of blogs are the headlines for posts. These are not only picked up by search engines but also by social media like Twitter. In an overpopulated world of blogs and social media, headlines will make or break you, so pay close attention.

While popular blog platforms like Blogger and WordPress are easy to setup and use, they do have other features that will take more technical savvy but that will significantly improve how your blog appears and your reader’s experience on it. These tweaking options might take some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. You can find resources online to help you or you can outsource for someone to do it for you.

Finally, once your blog features content, you can start thinking about marketing it. You should use a combination of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, and many more, to both tell people your blog contains information they will value and to also grab readers for your individual posts. This might be a daily activity and consume lots of time and patience. However, it will also help you not only create the quality inbound links SEO loves but also reader loyalty (in terms of comments and feedback) in the long-run.