Fast and Easy Way To Make Free Money By Answering Questions – Review

Do you still wonder how to start making money online for free? Several years ago I was constantly looking for awesome ways to make money online and in several month I gathered thousands of links to sites, where one could work from home and earn cash.

So I started blogging about the easiest ways to earn money, not all of my reviews will show you how to get rich online, but still you will at least get a clue how the most popular make money online techniques work.

Earning money by answering questions – one of the most exciting topics, which were discussed on this blog. In order to start making money from home by answering questions you don’t need a lot of time, just your knowledge and some motivation.

How to Get Paid to Answer Questions at is an Internet website, where members ask and answer shopping related questions – they discuss Internet stores and items they sell, share their experience and try to save money on web shopping. You, being a guide, can earn money by answering questions and giving shopping-related help. This website is totally different from other “get paid to answer” resources (check out Mahalo review and compare these two sites).
Get paid to answer questions and give advice with

So, now I do not see a lot of activity on this website, maybe because they are just starting up or only trying to gain popularity. At you can receive $1-$2 for a good answer (provided it has been chosen as “Best Answer”). So in order to start to make money online with this question-answer site you need to visit it and browse paid questions.

Speaking of payments, you need at least 40 dollars (if will be hard to reach though) in order to receive your first payout. All payments are processed with the help of PayPal, which is one of the securest payment systems.
Make sure to check out all terms of service and their privacy policy, before starting to work with this paid to answer site. will surely not make you rich online, but you still can talk about thing you like (if you are into shopping online) or use their services and get your shopping questions answered fast.
Thanks for read, I don’t know if I will be working with this site from now on, but I would love to hear some of your thoughts about earning money with Please comment and subscribe for my work from home updates.